Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, all signatures you create with SignSimpli are legally binding.

The U.S. Electronic Signature in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN, 2000), and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA, 1999), both establish this electronic signature legality. SignSimpli is compliant with the European eIDAS as well. All of these are recognized in court, establishing that a document or a signature cannot be denied legal effect solely because it’s in a digital form.

Required fields are fields that a recipient must complete before submitting a document.

Send the edited and saved document for signing easily.

Regardless of whether you have a SignSimpli account or not, you can sign a document in SignSimpli whenever someone sends you a signature request. As you open a received document, you’ll see a pop-up notification telling you who has invited you for signing and how many fields you have to complete. To sign the document, click on the Signature field and choose how you would like to add your signature. You can type your name, upload a picture of your signature, or draw it using your touchpad, mouse, or screen if you’re working from a mobile device. Click [Get Started] to proceed.

Yes, your monthly and annual subscription will automatically renew on the last day of your subscription period. If you don't want to pay for your plan anymore, cancel your subscription before the renewal date.

Click on ‘My Account’ at the top of your SignSimpli dashboard. Click>Account Settings and Click> Cancel then follow the instructions.

If the Finish button is not appearing, it is due to one or more incomplete required fields. Once a page has had all required fields met – A check mark appears. If this does not resolve the issue, please reach out to the sender of the document to ask them to investigate. One possibility is that the document has overlapping tags, which can only be corrected by the sender.

The notification email you received contains the name and email address of the sender - to contact the sender, please use the email address included in the notification.

It could be that someone forwarded you their SignSimpli email. - Do not forward SignSimpli email notifications. lf you are not a party (sender or recipient) to the envelope, you will be unable to access for security reasons. You can request that the sender uses the SignSimpli forward feature to provide you a copy of the completed envelope.

When completing a document, please be attentive with the information you've provided — as when you've signed and clicked Done, there is no way to edit the document. In case of a typo or an error, you can reach out to the sender and request a new invite for the same document or inform them about the error.

Once the document is signed, you will be redirected to the confirmation page where you will have the option to download it. Also, you will receive a copy of the signed document to your inbox if you have received a direct invite to sign via email.

If you have signed a document by following a signing link, you will be able to download the document on the confirmation page right after you've finished the signing session and clicked Done. Alternatively, you can contact the sender to request a copy of the signed document.

SignSimpli complies with SOC 2 Type II, PCI DSS, HIPAA, eIDAS, 21 CFR Part 11, GDPR. Please note that customers are ultimately responsible for ensuring that SignSimpli is configured and secured in a manner that allows their organization to comply with industry-specific legal obligations.

More than just eSignatures. Set up various fields for your users to complete: signatures, initials, textboxes, checkboxes, and more. To prevent the user from re-entering information they have already provided to you, use our pre-filled fields to merge that data onto the document before it's displayed to the user.

To sign a document on mobile, first, open it from the email request or signNow app: tap on the document > Sign Document.

Sign and Send documents in an instant

A secure and simple way to add legally binding electronic signatures for all your personal and business needs.

Let's Start Signing